Reviews are to be sent in by email no more than 2 weeks after the selection show/announcement to be eligible for points.
The expressions of interest to report on the National Selections for 2021 have been allocated. Please view the table at the bottom of this page.
The Reports blog can be accessed here!
What are these reports about??? Well…
While 2020 never eventuated, we will pay the same respect to the selections, even for those artists returning to represent their countries for 2021.
The ‘reports’ will form a blog here on the website to keep members up to date with national and direct selections. If you'd like to see the ones written for Tel Aviv and get a feel for the kind of information people included last year, you can check them out here.
We will be looking for reports that are between 200 and 500 words each. Each report submitted is worth 20 points for #ESC2022Points. For those who were allocated additional reviews, only one additional set of points will be allocated for the reports. That is, if you did three reports, you will only receive two lots of 20 points. Where there are multiple people allocated to a country you will need to coordinate with others in your group to agree who will do which show. The idea is for you each to do a separate show and not for us to receive multiple reports for the same show. If you need assistance contacting others in your group please email contact@ogaerotw.com and we can help.
Please indicate your preferences below for the country’s selection you would like to review.
PLEASE NOTE: there is absolutely NO guarantee that you will be successful in your preferences. There is a check-box below to select whether you are happy to be randomly allocated a country or not if your preferences are not available. If not, you will not be considered for the points opportunity.
Expressions of interest Are closed.
If you have any questions, please contact us by email at contact@ogaerotw.com