2026 Ticketing policy
These Policies are effective for both the 2025 and 2026 Ticket List.
The 2026 Ticket List period is from 1 November 2024 to 31 October 31 2025 inclusive
The Ticketing Policy is set by the Board and is subject to change. While the Board intends to endeavor to inform members of material changes, advance notice is not guaranteed. Material changes will generally be posted here.
The provision of tickets to OGAE clubs is not guaranteed. This policy is based on the expectation that the host broadcaster will continue to offer fan clubs this opportunity. Membership in the club entitles you to participate in club activities only — membership does not guarantee you a ticket.
Anyone who wants a ticket package must respond when expressions of interest are called for. If a member does not respond by the deadline as shown on the website, they will be placed into a secondary list (Group B) - see below for further information.
The list will not be finalised until all relevant details have been provided to us by OGAE International. You must be a paid Euphoria Member to be eligible to submit an expression of interest.
Once we know how many ticket packages the club will receive, if the host broadcaster elects to distribute Fan Ticket Packages, they will be allocated based on the number of ‘points’ a member has earned in the points year (e.g. 1 November 2023 - 30 October 2024).
OGAE International only permit an individual to apply for one ticket, through one Club in any given year. Anyone who applies for tickets through another OGAE member club will not be eligible to apply for tickets through OGAE Rest of the World. Anyone who has another OGAE club as their ‘primary’ club (the club that their OGAE Cardskipper card is with) are also ineligible to apply.
Partners or groups: If you wish to attend the 2025 contest with your partner or as part of a small group of friends, each person needs to apply individually, and earn points individually. Upon request, for couples and groups we can average your combined points to allow you to have consecutive rankings on the ticket list.
*Board members can only share points where the other person(s) earned over 150 points themselves. And even then, ONLY to the maximum amount of available points to non-board members. That is, if the maximum amount of points a member can earn is 300, and the shared points are 330, BOTH the member and the board member will be at the maximum 300 points.
For example, if one person earns 40 points and their partner/companion earns 20 points, we are able to treat them as if they earned 30 points each. But both (primary) members must have earned points and both must be on the ticket list. A person not on the ticket list cannot donate their points to someone who is (points may only be shared by averaging as described above).
In recent years clubs have been provided mostly standing tickets, supplemented with a small number of seated tickets. As with previous years, priority for seated tickets will go to those who have a physical/medical ailment that prevents them from standing for a prolonged period. If there are seated tickets remaining following this allocation then these will be offered based on the number of points earned by a member.
Please note: This policy may be need to be reviewed and altered if the organisers of an upcoming contest make changes to the way tickets are distributed to the OGAE clubs. Factors that may come into play could include:
A significant increase in membership across the OGAE clubs
Volume of packages allocated to OGAE can be significantly less than demand
The ratio between sitting and standing ticket packages
The cost of the packages
The size of the arena
A decision to offer different ticket packages choice; the 3 Jury OR the 3 Televised shows
A decision to offer an alternative package that excludes the grand final show.
Definitions and Rules for Points List and Ticket List
Points List
Group A - Members who submitted their expression of interest within the determined timeframe, and have earned at least 30 points during the open period for the current ticket list.
Group B - People who earned fewer than 30 points on the current ticket list. or did not express interest before the deadline, regardless of the number of points earned.
For those who elect to share points, membership in Group A or Group B will be based on the points earned after averaging.
In prior years, ticket list groups were determined based on when the member joined OGAE RoW. This is no longer the policy. Date of membership will be used as a tie-breaking factor only - all points will count equally regardless of when someone joins the club.
Everyone can earn points who is a member of OGAE RoW. Membership can be upgraded from Molitva to Euphoria at any time during the point earning period and points earned to date are retained (unless you have another club as your primary club then upgrading is not permitted).
The last opportunity to earn points for the upcoming contest are opportunities with deadlines up to and including 31 October of the relevant calendar year. That is, only points earned from 1 November until 31 October count toward the following Eurovision Song Contest Ticket List.
For example: 1 November 2024 through to 31 October 2025 count toward the the 2026 ticket list.
The points year runs intentionally outside of the membership year, encouraging members to participate in the activities on offer prior to knowing where the contest will be held. OGAE Rest of the World is not a ticketing agency, members are hopefully wanting to discuss all things Eurovision, and participate in all the fun activities throughout the year.
Ticket List
Group A ticket list members will be placed on the list first based on the number of points they have earned.
Group B ticket list members will be placed on the list following Group A based on the number of points they have earned.
To the extent different categories of tickets (premium, Golden Circle, etc.) are offered, member placed higher on the ticket list will have first right of refusal or selection. Members who have not earned any points will have the lowest priority in determining ticket lists. Such members will only be allocated tickets if any remain after all Group A and Group B members who have requested tickets have received allocations.
In the event of a tie regarding the number of points a Member has earned, the tie will be broken as follows:
–The date of joining RoW initially. Those with gaps in membership will be ranked by the date of their most recent renewal.
– (If date of joining initially / renewing is the same) then the tie will be broken randomly pursuant to procedures determined by the Board at the time the tie needs to be broken.
Members who violate club rules or policies may be removed from the Ticket List at the Board’s discretion.
Important: The Board has absolute discretion in administering this policy. All decisions by the Board are final and binding on all parties and not subject to appeal or review in any forum.
How can you best ensure your position on the ticket list?
Participate in club activities as announce through the newsletters, on the Facebook page and via the website.