Preparing for our 2025 Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Hello OGAE Rest of the World Members

Our constitution requires that we hold an AGM for the Club once a year, no later than 15 April. This year, this will take place using Microsoft Teams at the following times.

The form below will be used to collate any responses from members we may receive. Please provide any agenda items/ideas by 15 March 2025, in order for the Board to review these prior to the formal agenda for the AGM being confirmed and shared. Items to be included in the AGM are at the Board’s discretion.

In line with the Constitution, an Agenda will be shared prior to 23 March 2025.

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

submit agm agenda iTems/ideas by 12noon cet 15 march 2025

Notice of the 2025 Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Our constitution requires that we hold an AGM for the Club once a year, no later than 15 April. This year, this will take place using Microsoft Teams at the following times. In line with the Constitution, an Agenda will be shared prior to 23 March 2025.

Eastern Standard Time: 1900hrs SATURDAY APRIL 12 2025

Cities in the EST time zone are Atlanta/New York/Washington DC in the USA; Dawson/Edmonton in Canada; Santiago in Chile

central european summer time: 0100HRS SUNDAY APRIL 13 2025

Cities in the CEST time zone are Cologne/Malmo/Paris/Vienna


Cities in the AEST time zone are Canberra/Melbourne/Sydney in Australia

To check the time in your location against these times, click here.

Some additional information from the constitution:

8. Annual General Meeting

An AGM for the Club will be held once a year, to be held no late than April 15. The meeting will take place virtually through an online portal, of the Board’s preference. Members will be given a minimum twenty-one (21) days’ notice of the AGM via the Club’s official website and/or social media platforms and the announcement will be accompanied by an agenda.

  • All members may attend but only paid members will be eligible to vote on any resolutions at the AGM (if necessary). This will be done prior to the meeting using online voting options such as surveys or forms, or other procedures promulgated by the Board.

  • The President or the President’s appointed deputy shall chair the AGM and shall have the deciding vote in the event of a tie.

  • Members unable to attend the AGM may appoint a proxy by sending a signed (individual), written instruction to the Secretary at least seven (7) days prior to the AGM on their proxy. 

  • The Board may establish policies concerning the electronic signature, electronic copies, and other procedures concerning the submission of proxies, and all proxy submissions shall be subject to such policies.

  • Paid members can submit an agenda item and/or resolution for discussion at the AGM. These must be submitted no less than fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting, subject to other procedures promulgated by the Board.