club activities for 2025 - COMPLETEd
Our opportunities to earn points for the 2025 ticket list ran between Nov 2023 & Oct 2024. At the end of October, the 2025 List was finalised, to be applied when tickets for the 2025 Eurovision Song Contest were offered to our members. Learn more about our Ticketing Policy here.
club activities for 2026
To earn points for the 2026 ESC ticket list, club activities run from 1 Nov 2024 to 31 Oct 2025. We will use #ESC2026Points to help identify and search for activities on our Facebook page.
By participating in a points opportunity you agree to do so within the parameters set out below. Points opportunities are open to all OGAE ROTW club members unless explicitly stated otherwise. Even if you’re not interested in earning points for a ticket list, don’t let that stop you playing along!
See our list of planned opportunities below. Activities will only be live for the relevant period.
Unless otherwise stated, submission to receive points will have a deadline of 12noon CET, on the 26th day of that month. It may be necessary to amend this for specific activities aligned to external deadlines, or other reasons.
Always check the newsletter for different submission deadlines.
Eurovision Retrospectives Voting | 5 points for each Retro vote.
Each month (except April, May and September, or as advised), a random draw will choose a past Eurovision Song Contest (or a themed selection). Members can vote for their favourites using the 12, 10, 8-1 voting system.
Keep an eye on the newsletter for the relevant year for that month. Voting will ordinarily be open until 12noon CET, 26 of the month.
Eurovision Retrospectives Watch Parties | 0 pts.
Online “Watch Parties” allow you to watch along with other members if you like. Exact dates and times will be in the newsletter. We usually choose a Sunday, and hold two to allow for timezone challenges!
Sunday - 7pm AEDST/AEST
Sunday - 3pm EDT/EST
1) Junior Eurovision Pre-Contest Reviews | AMENDED DEADLINE: Midnight CET 30 Nov | 16 pts
To enter: Express your thoughts on each of the 16 songs, posted daily during November on the Facebook group. 1 point per song commented on.
*Note: for those not on Facebook, you can email your comments, which will be posted to the Facebook group on your behalf.
2) Junior Eurovision Post-Contest Voting | AMENDED DEADLINE: Midnight CET 30 Nov | 9 pts
After Junior Eurovision, vote on the performances to see who our club would have crowned as the winner! This replaces the regular ‘retro’ watch party and voting for November.
To enter: use the online form and award your 12, 10, 8-1 points.
3) Expressions of Interest | National Final Report | Nominations Open until 26 Nov | 20 pts (only on completion of Report)
Choose your three top countries you’d like to write a review of the national final selection process, regardless if that is a multi-faceted selection process like Melodifestivalen or an internal selection.
Nominations will close on 26 Nov, and we will allocate selections to members individually according to ‘first in, best dressed.’
See the National Final Report activity page for more information.
To enter: use the online form to nominate your 3 top countries to write a report on.
1) Eurovision Retrospective Voting | 26 Dec | 5 pts.
Our regular monthly Eurovision Retro is back. Voting is by online form on this website. Check the newsletter for the link.
To enter: use the online form and award your 12, 10, 8-1 points.
2) National Selection Reports | Ongoing | 20 pts.
For those members who have been allocated an event/country to report on only (this took place in November)
To enter: submit your report by email within 2 weeks of the relevant event / song being chosen to receive points
1) Switzerland Retrospective Voting | Deadline 26 Jan | 20 pts
In January, rather than a random year, it’s all of Switzerland’s entries ever! Who will members rate the best? There are 66 entries in total (1956-2024, including 2020).
Watch Parties will be held to run through all the entries in a random order.
To enter: use the online form and score each song out of 10 (hence the hefty 20 points available).
2) Swiss Trivia Trove | Deadline 26 Jan | 25 pts
In preparation for Basel 2025, we will run a fabulous trove of trivia based on Switzerland as a country, and as Eurovision participants, with a mix of song scrambles, where am I, general knowledge.
To enter: use the online forms to provide your answers (one point per correct answer).
Due to the right/wrong nature of the activity, Board members cannot participate.
3) National Selection Reports | Ongoing | 20 pts.
For those members who have been allocated an event/country to report on only (this took place in November)
To enter: submit your report by email within 2 weeks of the relevant event / song being chosen to receive points
1) Sounds Like Eurovision! | 26 Feb | 25 pts.
SoundBites are back! Returning to our traditional format of 5 groups of 5 approximately-3-second snippets of Eurovision songs will come from a single Eurovision year! All you have to do is guess the 5 songs in each group! Enjoy!
To enter: use the online forms to provide your answers (one point per correct answer).
Due to the right/wrong nature of the activity, Board members cannot participate.
2) Eurovision Retrospective Voting | 26 Feb | 5 pts.
Our regular monthly Eurovision Retro is back. Check the newsletter for the link.
To enter: use the online form and award your 12, 10, 8-1 points.
3) National Selection Reports | Ongoing | 20 pts.
For those members who have been allocated an event/country to report on only (this took place in November)
To enter: submit your report by email within 2 weeks of the relevant event / song being chosen to receive points
4) Expressions of Interest | Good Luck Messages | AMENDED DEADLINE: Nominations Open until 21 Feb | 10 pts (only on timely submission of message)
We ask our members to film a good luck message to an artist/team prior to the Eurovision Song Contest. Good luck messages will be posted on social media, tagging the artist, as well as our YouTube channel.
To enter: use the online form to nominate your 3 top countries to send a good luck message to.
Once we close the EOI, we will allocate countries to members individually according to ‘first in, best dressed’ and will notify members as soon as possible.
Members will have until 30 March to submit the video message to receive their points. Submissions received after this date won’t be awarded points.
March is a busy month!
1) Eurovision Retrospective Voting | By 26 Mar | 5 pts.
Our regular monthly Eurovision Retro. Check the newsletter for the link.
To enter: use the online form and award your 12, 10, 8-1 points.
2) OGAE Second Chance Contest *MOVED TO APRIL*
3) Good Luck Messages | By 30 March | 10 pts
For those members who have been allocated a country to provide a Good Luck Message to (which took place in Ferbuary)
Film a good luck message to an artist/team prior to the Eurovision Song Contest. Good luck messages will be posted on social media, tagging the artist, as well as our YouTube channel.
To enter: send your GLM using the method provided in your allocation email.
Members have until 30 March to submit the video message to receive their points. Submissions received after this date won’t be awarded points.
4) National Selection Reports | By 30 March | 20 pts.
For those members who have been allocated an event/country to report on only (this took place in November)
To enter: submit your report by email within 2 weeks of the relevant event / song being chosen to receive points. FINAL SUBMISSION DATE 12noon CET, 30 March
5) Pre-Contest Reviews | starting 25 March, til late April | 37 pts.
Starting late March 2025, one country's entry will be uploaded to the Facebook Group each day, based on the official release of the song (studio or otherwise).
To enter: Express your thoughts on each of the 37 songs, posted daily during March/April on the Facebook group. 1 point per song commented on.
*Note: for those not on Facebook, you can email your comments, which will be posted to the Facebook group on your behalf.
6) OGAE Poll | Date TBD | 5 pts
All OGAE clubs vote on this year’s entries, and send their results to OGAE International, who then award a trophy to the overall winner on behalf of OGAE! Click Here to see past winners (via wikipedia).
As the official dates are yet to be posted, this could run into April. We will let you know through the newsletter.
To enter: use the online form and award your 12, 10, 8-1 points.
1) Annual General Meeting | 12/13 April 2025 | 0 pts
Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) with the Board will take place in April. We hold a single meeting, and choose a time to try to suit the majority of our club’s geography. Thanks for your understanding
An update will be included in the March newsletter.
Agenda item suggestions welcomed through the form, linked in the March Newsletter
**2) OGAE Second Chance Contest | Moved from March, dates TBD | 5 pts
The OGAE Second Chance Contest is a fun way for OGAE members to vote on those entries which missed out in National Selections.
OGAE ROTW members can only vote for a second chance song if a participating country under our banner (San Marino, Moldova or Georgia) holds a national selection - which this year is just San Marino!
Voting will open for members to choose their favourite song.
To enter: use the online form to vote.
And continuing from March:
3) Pre-Contest Reviews | Ongoing - end date TBA | 37 pts.
To enter: Express your thoughts on each of the 37 songs, posted daily during March/April on the Facebook group. 1 point per song commented on.
*Note: for those not on Facebook, you can email your comments, which will be posted to the Facebook group on your behalf.
There are no new activities in May, to allow everyone to focus on the event of the year!!
We do have the completion of
1) Pre-Contest Reviews | 9 May | 38 pts.
To enter: Express your thoughts on each of the 38 songs, posted daily during March/April/May on the Facebook group. 1 point per song commented on.
*Note: for those not on Facebook, you can email your comments, which will be posted to the Facebook group on your behalf.
1) Post-Contest Reviews | Ongoing to 17 Jul | 38 pts
Starting June, one country's live performance from this year’s contest will be uploaded to the Facebook group each day.
To enter: Express your thoughts on each of the 38 songs, posted daily during June/July on the Facebook group. 1 point per song commented on.
*Note: for those not on Facebook, you can email your comments, which will be posted to the Facebook group on your behalf.
2) OGAE Song Contest - ROTW Nominations | 1-21 Jun | 0 pts.
The OGAE Song Contest is a competition between songs nominated by member OGAE national clubs (in line with OGAE International criteria).
To prepare, you can nominate entries to represents OGAE ROTW at the 2025 Contest. Voting will take place in July as a separate activity.
To enter: use the online form to nominate your entry.
3) Eurovision Retrospective Voting | 26 Jun | 5 pts.
Our regular monthly Eurovision Retro. Check the newsletter for the link.
To enter: use the online form and award your 12, 10, 8-1 points.
1) Post-Contest Reviews | 17 Jul | 38 pts
Continued from June.
To enter: Express your thoughts on each of the 38 songs, posted daily during June/July on the Facebook group. 1 point per song commented on.
*Note: for those not on Facebook, you can email your comments, which will be posted to the Facebook group on your behalf.
2.) OGAE Song Contest - Vote for our Representative | 1-21 Jul | 5 pts.
Following the OGAE ROTW nomination process in June, a playlist is created of all the nominees from our members to vote for our representative at the 2025 Contest.
To enter: use the online form and award your 12, 10, 8-1 points.
3) Eurovision Retrospective Voting | 26 Jul | 5 pts.
Our regular monthly Eurovision Retro. Check the newsletter for the link.
To enter: use the online form and award your 12, 10, 8-1 points.
4) Guilty Pleasures | TBD | TBD
Keep an eye out for this new activity - details to come soon.
5) OGAE Second Chance Contest | Dates TBD | 5 pts.
Usually, voting commences for the OGAE Second Chance Contest during this month. We will advise once actual dates are known.
To enter: use the online form and award your 12, 10, 8-1 points.
1) Eurovision Retrospective Voting | 26 Aug | 5 pts.
Our regular monthly Eurovision Retro. Check the newsletter for the link.
To enter: use the online form and award your 12, 10, 8-1 points.
2) OGAE Second Chance Contest | Dates TBD | 5 pts.
Voting may continue for the OGAE Second Chance Contest during this month. We will advise once actual dates are known.
To enter: use the online form and award your 12, 10, 8-1 points.
1) Name that… Language? | 26 Aug | 20 pts.
We know and love (even if we do not “love’ them) our Eurovision songs throughout the years! Now imagine those tunes sung in an entirely different language!
That is what we will be listening to - out familiar tunes sung in a completely different language… and we have to guess what language that is!
To enter: use the online form to provide your answers (one point per correct answer).
Due to the right/wrong nature of the activity, Board members cannot participate.
2) OGAE Song Contest | Dates TBD | 5 pts.
Following the nominations last month, this is our chance to vote in the OGAE Song Contest. Usually, voting commences for the OGAE Song Contest during this month. We will amend the dates if necessary.
To enter: use the online form and award your 12, 10, 8-1 points.
1) Lipsync Grand Prix | 26 Oct | 25 pts
It’s back! Lipsync for your life as you mime along to your favourite Eurovision song. Add some flair and dress up, or stage your performance as the original artist did at Eurovision!
To enter: send your video to us by the deadline. More details on the specific club activity page.
2) Eurovision Retrospective Voting | 26 Oct | 5 pts.
Our regular monthly Eurovision Retro. Check the newsletter for the link.
To enter: use the online form and award your 12, 10, 8-1 points
3) OGAE Song Contest | Dates TBD | 5 pts.
Usually, voting continues for the OGAE Song Contest during this month. We will amend the dates if necessary.
To enter: use the online form and award your 12, 10, 8-1 points.
What’s Another Slogan?
So many years with so many slogans! From Feel Your Heartbeat, to #JoinUs, Come Together to United by Music, or Celebrate Diversity and Building Bridges… There is an endless amount of kitsch in coming up with something catchy and relevant and semi-woke. But what if YOU had the opportunity to come up with a slogan? (And even a logo)
Forget the laziness of having the same slogan on rinse and repeat at the moment, and bring the best Slogan you can for the 2025 contest, with a short, 50 word explanation of it!