Rest of the World - Informal Catch-Up

Hey fanclubbers!

Following on from our regular October Catch-Up, where members expressed an interest to host more of these across the year… We are doing it. January, July and October (April is our Annual General Meeting).

These informal meetings give members a chance to Come Together and get to know each other. Note this is not an AGM. There is no agenda - it is an opportunity to connect with new friends, have some interesting discussions and debates, and learn a little more about each other!

With our geography, we are unable to facilitate in-person catch ups, and we do not want to make the AGM the only opportunity to come together. So we have decided to continue with this. The last few we have run were well attended and had some great discussions! Previous member surveys were split on whether we should hold similar online events more regularly, however we will discuss this too!

We will have some games and trivia, and some discussion topics and questions for members.

Based on the feedback we received on the time, day and preferred medium, we can facilitate the following: (we will update the details below for the next catch up - once known)

Date and Time:

Saturday January 25

7pm US Eastern Daylight Time

Sunday January 26

11am Austrailan Eastern Daylight Savings Time


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We know this will not meet everyone’s optimal timeframes, but we really hope to see as many of you as possible. If you are unsure of what the time would be in your timezone, you can use this link to check.

Peace Peace, Love Love.