That time of year has come - when all the OGAE Clubs vote on their favourite songs of the year! The OGAE Poll is one of the most important activities for all OGAE clubs, where individual members vote on their favourites, using the current 12, 10 8-1 point system, to gather the overall club’s voting. Once all of the OGAE clubs have provided their overall club’s points, a winner emerges, with a Trophy to be presented to the winning artist at the host city (Basel, Switzerland this year).
What is the OGAE Poll?
The OGAE Poll asks every club to have their members vote on the songs for the contest, and provide their results to the International Bureau. These are then tallied, and the winner is awarded a trophy on behalf of the OGAE clubs.
The Poll forms an important part of the annual contest for the competitors, showing how the fandom respond to their songs. Click Here to see past winners (via wikipedia).
Participating is easy. All you need to do is have a listen to all of this years songs and then come back here and vote. Voting is only open to Euphoria club members. OGAE International have asked that you only vote once, and that you do so through your primary club please. For our Molitva members, this is the club your Cardskipper is registered with.
Voting will be Eurovision style (12, 10, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2,1)
We will be offering 5 points for a valid vote per member.