The opportunity to earn points for the 2022 ticket list will run from November 2020 to 31 October 2021 (with the exception of the acutal voting in the OGAE Video Contest, which opens in November and will form a part of the 2022 points table).
On our Facebook page and website, all points opportunities will include the hashtag: #ESC2022Points. This will help identify and search for opportunities. Please note that by participating in a points opportunity you are agreeing to do so within the parameters set out below. All points opportunities are open to all members of the club unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Based on our experience and the feedback from members - we will start, from November 1st, using Alternate hashtags for each point opportunity (as Facebook search is a very flawed product).
Closed Opportunities
Iso-Themed Eurovision Trivia
Quarantine and Isolation and being alone has never been more prevalent since the coronavirus pandemic hit the planet. Paying tribute to this, over 2 weeks starting 18 November, we will be giving you a series of questions (2-3 every 2-3 days) and you will need to provide your answers via the webform on the website. Due to the right/wrong nature of the questions Board members will not participate. This opportunity will closed at midday CET December 3rd.
Up to 20 points will be available for this activity.
Eurovision - Where are they now?
A lot of fans want to know what the artists and representatives are doing thee days, or where their careers/lives went after their performance on the Eurovision stage. So, we are asking members to nominate a singer/group who performed in a specific decade, and, in 250 words or less, provide an update of where life has taken them sinec they took to the stage. This opportunity will closed at midday CET January 28th.
10 points will be available for this activity.
National Selections
Members will first nominate preferences, before being assigned a country to report on their national selection process. The “reports” will form a blog on ogaerotw.com to keep members up to date with national selections. Countries will be assigned through a ballot. If the number of people wanting to participate is higher than the number of participating countries, then multi-stage national selections (for example Sweden) will be broken down and different members will be assigned different stages (slots) of the selection proecss to report on. For countries with a direct selection, only one member will be assigned.
The process for assigning the country to the member will be to pool members based on preferences, and randomly select a name to each country. Once preferences are exhausted, we will randomly draw members and country slots and assign in that manner. There is a check box on the nomination form asking if you are happy to be assigned any country if you are unsuccessful in obtaining a preferential country. There is NO guarantee of being assigned a preference, and there is NO guarantee that the number of slots for each country will not change without notice (if this happens, we will communicate with the assignees to discuss options). The deadline for posts to be submitted is midday CET 18 March.
Each blog post written will be worth 20 points.
Pre-Eurovision Reviews
Starting late March 2021, one country's entry will be uploaded to the Facebook page and website Blog each day, based on the official release of the song (studio or otherwise). You will have an opportunity to write a few comments/review the entry and how you think it will do in Rotterdam. NO further comments will be accepted after midday CET May 9th.
Members will receive 1 point per country they comment on.
Good Luck Messages
We will again in early 2021 be looking for people to make good luck video messages for the artists that will be performing in Rotterdam. If you'd like to see some of the good luck messages that members have done in the past, check out our YouTube channel. Please note that this opportunity will be capped at one video per participating country, so only a limited number of members will be able to participate. Participants will be chosen through an EOI process. Members may make their video in couples or groups if they choose. The deadline for videos to be submitted is midday CET May 1st.
Members will receive 10 points per video for this points opportunity. If a video is submitted by a couple of group then the 10 points are divided equally among them.
Post-Eurovision Reviews
The post contest reviews are where you will get a chance to comment on the actual performance given at Eurovision. These will commence on the Facebook page and website in late May 2021, with one performance posted each day.
You will be able to earn 1 point for each song you comment on.
OGAE Second Chance Contest
The Annual OGAE Second Chance Contest is usually held between June and July following the contest. In 2022, this should be no exception. We first must vote on who will represent our club at the contest, and then vote IN the contest. Voting stages will be announced when known, closer to the date.
You will be able to earn 2 points for voting on who will represent ROW, 2 points for voting on the OGAE Second Chance Contest itself, or 5 points if you vote in both.
ROW’s Got Talent!
Tapping into the creativity of our members, we are looking to have our members showcase their artistic side. Based on whichever Eurovision song of your choosing, we ask that you Dance, Lip-Sync, Sing, Recite as Poetry, Mime, Interpretively Dance, Sand Art, Paint… Whatever you like, to perform your chosen song. This will be captured by video, which can be the full 3 minutes but no less than 45 seconds. We may run polls on it all, such as best li-sync, best dancer, best “Nailed-It!” performance, this is still under construction. No planned launch date, will update while you consider your options...
You will be able to earn 20 points for this activity.
OGAE Song Contest
The Annual OGAE Song Contest is usually held between August and Septmeber following the contest. In 2022, this should be no exception. We first must vote on who will represent our club at the contest, and then vote IN the contest. Voting stages will be announced when known, closer to the date.
You will be able to earn 2 points for voting on who will represent ROW, 2 points for voting on the OGAE Song Contest itself, or 5 points if you vote in both.
Current/Imminent Opportunities
Eurovision Retrospective - ongoing
Every month, with the exclusion of April and May, a random draw will choose a past Eurovision Song Contest. We will post the link to the video of the contest for members to watch, and then cast their votes on their favourites. For more recent contests, the 12, 10,8-1 point system will be utilised. While previously, different voting systems were used, we will maintain the current 12, 10, 8-1 as every year had at least 10 entries. Every month in our newsletter, we will inform of the month that was randomly drawn, as well as the results of the previous month. We will run this from the start of the month for approximately 25 days, to allow for tallying of voting and reporting of results in the newsletter. We will endeavour to host a slew of online “Watch Parties” across our many time-zones to ensure that we can reach as many of our members as possible. Each activity will be available until the 26th of the month to cast votes.
Casting your vote will earn you 5 points. (For each Retrospective you vote in).
Please note: Retrospectives will not run during April or May. Nor September 2022.
OGAE Video Contest
The Annual OGAE Video Contest is usually held between September and October following the contest. In 2022, this should be no exception. We first must vote on who will represent our club at the contest, and then vote IN the contest. Voting stages will be announced when known, closer to the date.
You will be able to earn 2 points for voting on who will represent ROW, 2 points for voting on the OGAE Video Contest itself, or 5 points if you vote in both.
Translation Fails
What happens when using Google Translate across several languages to some of our favourite Eurovision songs? Well… often, the translation is a little less than accurate!
This quiz will be the one of the final points opportunities for the 2022 Points Table. We will provide snippets of re-translated songs, and we have to determine the Song, Country and Year of each. Over the course of October, we will release a couple of these at a time. Due to the right/wrong nature of the questions Board members will not participate. Answers can be provided until the 26th of the month they are launched.
There will be 25 points available for this opportunity.
Upcoming Opportunities
As this is the last month for the Points Opportunities for the upcoming Eurovision, this page is serving it’s last purpose. From November, there will be new opportunities (Eurovision Retrospectives will be continue), and the addition of a Calendar of dates, coming very soon! Keep an eye out!