This activity will look back at Eurovisions past. The idea is that we, as OGAE Rest of the World, will cast our own votes as members on the songs, and decide our club’s favourite for the year. We will run this monthly for the most part, and each year will be randomly drawn.
Every month, with the exclusion of April, May and September (or as advised), a random draw will choose a past Eurovision Song Contest. We will post the link to the video of the contest for members to watch, and then cast their votes on their favourites.
While previously, different voting systems were used, we will maintain the current 12, 10, 8-1 point vote (unless otherwise stated).
In our monthly newsletter, we will inform of the year that was randomly drawn, as well as the results of the previous month’s retrospective. We will run this from the start of the month for approximately 25 days, to allow for tallying of voting and reporting of results.
We will continue to host online “Watch Parties”, if members are interested in accessing these ongoing. Currently, these are hosted on the following day/time (usually the third weekend of the month):
Sunday - 7:00pm AEDST/AEST - Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time/Australian Eastern Standard Time
Sunday - 3pm EDT/EST - Eastern Daylight Time/Eastern Standard Time (USA)
We cannot guarantee that we will be able to meet everyone’s wishes, but we will do everything we can.
Each activity will be available until the 26th of the month to cast votes. *
Casting your vote will earn you 5 points. (Per month if participating in each Retrospective - unless otherwise stated)
*Unless otherwsie stated below by the month of the year.
Coming off of an epic “All Swiss Songs” retrospective, we have again chip-dipped to see which year we will randomly Retrospectively review… And if you would like to check our the draw, click here!
As is customary, we will of course hold two watch parties for the Retro, and they will be:
sunday FEBRUARY 16
7:00pm AEDST - Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time
3pm EST - Eastern Standard Time (USA)
Click here to join us and our members as we chat while watching the show together!
For those who wish to watch the full show in their own time, click here.
If you only want to watch the live performances, click here.
And, of course, Don’t forget to cast your vote (12, 10, 8-1 style) by clicking “Vote Now!” below!
January 2025:
All things Switzerland, as is customary in January for the winning country… Click here for more!
Let’s all meet up in the year 2000… And we did! It was fun going back to some of the awesome songs of the yaer, and some of the less so too! Denmark too the win, FLying on the Wings of Love to the top spot, and with so many other memorable performances too!
With the time of year and people’s availability - we did not source a results video… this will be back for February!
You can see the full results in a table of course, click here!
All things Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2024! Click here for more information.
1967 turned out to be a rather spectacular display of live vocal talent… Along with Sandie Shaw’s captivating performance for the United Kingdom, Luxembourg gave us the amazing Vicky and who doesn’t love a little Boum-Badaboum!!!!
Our amazing members, Madeline and Sean, have put together this amazing results video… Give it a good watch here!
For the full results, click here.
aUGUST 2024:
This month, we dipped back into the bag of poker chips to see which year we will randomly Retrospectively review… And if you would like to check our the draw, click here!
2006 was a year of automatic qualifiers (other than the big 4 and previous year’s winner), robbing some much loved songs from reaching the Grand Final… Announcing our club’s Top 10 results in speedy and awesome fashion, is the incredible Patrick… Click here!
Click here for the full results.
JULY 2024:
1975… What a FANTASTIC year of music! With a little bit of everything, from campy disco to folk and a LOT of talent on the stage, it cements itself as a classic year for the contest… And with one classic winner (at least lyrically)!
Our members have voted, we called across the globe to tally the points, and the result has been verified. We can now reveal the winner!!! For this month, our amazing member, Steven, has done a magnificant video to annouce the Top 5; click here!
For the full results, click here.
June 2024:
1994… A strong start, a bit of a wane in the middle, and a dynamo finish - it wasn’t the worst the 90’s had to offer (by a long shot)… With one very deserving winner (who made it three in a row for Ireland)!
Our members cast their votes, and thee were tallied, and the result verified. We can now announce the outcome! For this month, the fabulous Danie and Mark have done a video to annouce the Top 5; click here!
For the full results, click here.
March 2024:
1965… What a HOOT! There were some dullards in there, but for the most part, it was a highly enjoyable year! The outstanding and classic “Poupée de cire, poupée de son” shone in a sea of rather impressive entries from artists such as Udo Jurgens, Kathy Kirby, Guy Mardel and Bobby Solo!
Our members cast their votes, and thee were tallied, and the result verified. We can now announce the outcome good and proper! For this month, the incredible Shana has done a video to annouce the Top 5; click here!
For the full results, click here.
1992 - Some incredible performances, and the first of a string of three wins in s row for Ireland! A beautiful swing between Wonderful and Woeful, this was a year that gave us all the feels… The Good, the Bad and the Ugly…
Our members voted, and the results tallied. Who was OGAE Rest of the World’s winner!? This month, you were stuck with me announcing the top 5… Click here!
For the full results, click here.
This month, we are Retrospectively reviewing all Swedish entries for Eurovision. Click Here.
This month, we are Retrospectively reviewing Junior Eurovision 2023. Click Here.
novEMBER 2023:
1988 - our first Retrospective of the 2025 Contest Points Year - brought us Celine and that outfit, some fabulous crooners and the incredible Lara Fabian!
Our club voted, and the results of which have been finalised. Who was OGAE Rest of the World’s winner!? Here is our amazing member, Julian, announcing the top 5 (well, 6, because 6 was the largest jump from actual contest results)… Click here!
For the full results, click here.
Our retrospective this month will on all the entries over the years who came second, in our “Always a Bridesmaid” activity.
Click here for all relevant information, including the watch party!
Previous Retrospectives - archive:
DECEMBER 2024: 2000
NOVEMBER 2024: JESC 2024
OCTOBER 2024: 1967
AUGUST 2024: 2006
JULY 2024: 1975
JUNE 2024: 1994
MARCH 2024: 1965
FEBRUARY 2024: 1992
DECember 2023: JESC 2023
November 2023: 1988
october 2023: Always a Bridesmaid
September 2023: 2012
August 2022: 1976
July 2023: no retro
June 2023: 2003
May 2023: No Retro
April 2023: No Retro
March 2023: 1995
February 2023: 2002
January 2023: Ukraine At Eurovision
December 2022: Junior ESC 2022
November 2022: 1968
october 2022: 1987
SEPETMBER 2022: no retro
august 2022: 2007
july 2022: 1998
june 2022: 2016
MAY 2022: no retro
april 2022: 1993
march 2022: 1996
february 2022: 1989
decemBER 2021: JESC
NovemBER 2021: 1991
OCTOBER 2021: 1970
September 2021: no retro
August 2021: 1959
JULY 2021: 1961
JUNE 2021: 1986
MAY 2021: no retro
APRIL 2021: no retro
MARCH 2021: 2009
FEBRuary 2021: 2005
January 2021: 1997
December 2020: 1969
Thank you to all our members (and friends) who join our watch parties.