The dreaded/beloved SoundBites returns for another year, haunting and delighting in equal (okay, not equal) measure!
One of our most popular and challenging activities is back! This year, our SoundBites activity mashes together 2-3 second snippets of music from 5 Eurovision songs, with a 2.5 second (silent) gap between them. It your job to name each of the songs!
All 5 groups are uploaded to the website immediately, rather than in phases - this will allow members to complete it all at once or take their time. For this edition of SoundBites, each group of snippets has been taken from a single Eurovision year.
(That is, if you hear one snippet and guess it is “Zorra”, then the remaining songs will also be from the same year, 2024)
Due to the right/wrong nature of the activity, Board members cannot participate.
soundbites CLOSE at midday CET February 26th
Up to 25 points will be available for this activity (one point for each correct guess per member).
The SoundBites have been uploaded to the OGAE Rest of the World YouTube Channel; each of the groups are linked below!
It will be as simple as entering your name and Rest of the World member number (that is, your 7-digit member number issued through the club - e.g.1096357; NOT your Cardskipper number), then typing in your guesses in order of the “Bites” in the clip. Just use the corresponding Form for the Group. E.g. If answering SoundBites Four, use the form labelled “SoundBites Four - Your Answers”.
Provide your answers in the following order:
1. Country
2. Song Title
3. Artist
You will need to provide the Country, Song Title and Artist correctly for the answer to be accepted.
The answers will be posted on the website for the March newsletter.
The Answers will be posted below at the end of the month!