Malta - Grand Final - Mike W

After 2 semi finals inexplicably knocked out only 8 songs from 24, the FINAL took place on 8 Feb, showing Malta's fairly decent attempt at hosting a dry-run for a Eurovision proper. Each entrant was previewed with a postcard, which for some reason included film clips - from movies presumably set in Malta?! 

First up was Malta's ultimate entry, Mariana Conte, who has attempted to represent Malta five times. It had Temu-Destiny vibes, with Mariana's voice much weaker than Destiny's. There is a 'Sound of Music' theme to the staging, to go along with the 'Do-Re-Mi' lyrics, but the staging descends into trash with the removal of a dreadful dress to expose an equally dreadful body wrap, and then bouncing on yoga balls. It ultimately won the public vote but came second in the jury vote.

Other songs of note included 'The Alchemists' (solid Mumford & Sons rip-off); 'Kantera' with a 2024 Eurovision Armenia/Estonia mashup; Kurt Calleja (Malta, Eurovision 2012) with a song still stuck in 2012; possible winner Kristy Spiteri with Heaven Sent (pop-opera may have been overdone by now); and a dreadful Stefan Galeb with Lablab (Talk Talk) - very pretty, but so much autotune it was laughable.

There were HOURS between singing and voting results, so we were treated to a (lip-synced) performance by Ramires Sciberras (Malta, JESC 2023); a fantastic (live) performance by Maxine Pace, (2024 Mużika Mużika Festival); a typically vibrant & energetic Alexander Ryback with 'Fairy Tale' and 2009's Roll with the Wind. Then last year's entrant Sarah Bonnici lip-synced to 'Lose' before we were subjected to more JESC Ramires (this time with Sarah & 24 child backup singers). Sarah returned for 2 final tracks, including Loop

Voting is on-brand ESC, with individual jury members providing individual votes, then the public vote being added song by song at the end.

The song chosen is sure to be divisive amongst viewers this year - Kant! I'm gonna say, currently I'm on the side of 'cheap, tacky, and a bit shit.'  Yes, she is 'serving singing' - but we all know this is a cheap use of language to provide shock value, serving 'Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve and Talent...' Hey - she's saying it, why can't I? She is serving cunt. 

Will there be any pushback at Eurovision? I can't imagine parents being particularly happy with it, and given the alleged 'family friendly' push from the EBU, I'm not sure how they have apparently approved the song/lyrics - but then, has anyone ever accused the EBU of being fair or consistent?!