Friderika Bayer - Hungary 1994 - Matt MacDonald

Friderika Bayer and her song, "Kinek mondjam el vétkeimet?"* finished fourth at Eurovision 1994 as Hungary's debut entry in the contest. What happened to her life in the years that followed?

Initially, she received tremendous accolades within her home country, including being awarded the eMeRTon-díj prize for Az év felfedezettje (Newcomer of the Year) and being named Pop Singer of the Year by Ifjúsági Magazin, a youth magazine based in her country.

The following year, she claimed second place at Poland's Sopoti Fesztiválon, a music festival, while, in 1998, she saw her single, "Feltárcsáztad a szívemet"**, receive notable exposure and success in Hungary. She describes it as "my biggest hit so far."

After joining the Faith Church in 1996, Friderika also started performing with them on a regular basis, including being shown on the "Vidám Vasárnap" television program on Sunday mornings throughout the next several years.   

She has released nine additional albums since "Friderika" came out in 1994, including "Friderika II" (1996), "Boldog vagyok" (1998), "Kincs, ami van" (1999), "Szép álmokat" (1999), "Hazatalálsz" (2001), "Gospel" (2003), "Az álmok tengerén" (2003), "Sáron rózsája" (2006) and "Tente dalok" (2016). 

She describes "Gospel" as the "first solo gospel album in Hungary."

