For our final #2025Points opportunity, we are going to pay homage to some of our favourite Eurovision songs, through the art of lip-sync.

Members are invited to send us your best (or most hilariously bad - click here to see a previous version of this by your current president, who clearly has no talent, or shame) effort to lipsync to a favourite song. You can simply film it in your living room, or add costumes, or effects, or anything that you like to add to the fun of the activity.

What do we need to do? Send a short video of you lip-syncing to one of your favourite (or not) Eurovision songs via WeTransfer. We will do the rest! Please note: we may need to contact you if we need any further information.

There are a few rules you will need to keep in mind:

a)    Your submission must be your own work, and must have been created in October 2024.

b)   Your video must be between 25 and 45 seconds long, and filmed in Landscape wherever possible.

c)   Submissions will be shared with others in the club via our private Facebook group. They may also be shared on the website and other Social Media platforms. If you do not want it to be uploaded to the website or shared on Social Media, you will need to specify this in your submission.

d)    To be awarded points each member must submit their own entry. If two (or more) members choose to submit a combined entry then the points will be divided amongst the parties.


30 points will be awarded per member for appropriate submissions (or shared where multiple members work together, the Board will discuss this with you).